Sunday, November 16, 2008

Jaime M


-- from jaime m - (?)
An old one. I was very happy because it was included in the book "24 hours of Flickr". I think it was the first time I saw a picture from me published in a book.

-- from jaime m - (?)
A new one. Squared format, strong processing, movement, blur ... constants in my last images.

1: How long have you been involved in photography?

Compulsively, trying to learn and to get good images, since January of 2006. More or less since my entry in Flickr.

2: Equipment you use?

A Canon 400D with two lenses, a canon 50mm f/1.8 and a Tamron 17-50 f/2.8, and a Canon 430 EX flash. As a complement, a Ricoh Caplio GX100 wich is always in my bag or my pocket. I use the Canon at home and in special events but I usually take my pictures with the Ricoh.

3: Mac or PC?

I've always been a PC user. I'm a computer engineer and I like to configure my computer by myself. But I bought recently a new computer and I was seriously tempted to buy a Mac because lately I only use the computer at home to process my pictures and Internet. Maybe my next computer will be a Mac

4: What inspires you?

Mainly the work of other photographers. I use to leaf through photography magazines and books trying to find sources of inspiration, and of course talented photographers in Flickr or other internet sites.

5: Preferred subject matter?

Portraits. People. Children are my preferred subjects. My daughters and occasionally their friends. They feel quite comfortable in front of a camera and I love to capture their expressions, their movement... sometimes spontaneously, and sometimes they agree to pose to me.

6: Name one thing you haven't caught with the camera that
you REALLY want to capture.

Usually, when a picture really impress me, I analyse the reason and I try to put it into practise in the future. Obviously it is difficult to get something similar, but sometimes I get interesting results.

7: When in doubt about your art, who do you confide in?

My wife is the person I usually ask for advice if I doubt about a picture. Time is also a good adviser. Sometimes after working for a while on a picture I'm not sure about the result. The best is forget about it and watch it with different eyes sometime later.

8: Qualifications/training in anything? ie: Photoshop

Nothing related to photography. Just self-learning.

9: Plans for the future?

My plan is to pass from the virtual exhibition in Flickr to the real exhibitions in public places. Now I have some pictures been exhibited in a restaurant at the place where I live as a first experience, and I made a commitment for a new exhibition in a different place at a the beginning of 2009.

10: In one word, describe your photography.


1 comment:

Mariola Rosario Padró said...

nice interview. i love his photography! thank u.